Help - All Filings Search

The All Filings search allows you to search the entire EDGAR database using any combination of criteria you specify.

Searching for All Filings from a Specific Company
To find all filings from a specific company, enter in the company's ticker symbol, name or CIK (Central Index Key).

Filtering by Form Groups and Types
By default, all form types will be returned in your results. To filter by a specific form group or type, expand (or select) the group you are interested in to select a specific form type.

Adding Full Text to a Search
See Help on Using Full Text Search.

Filtering by Act Group
You can filter your results by Act, by selecting the Act you are interested in from the drop down menu.

Filtering by Additional Market Segment Criteria
Expanding the Market Segment area will allow you to restrict your search with additional criteria including Exchange, SIC, Industry, Sector, City and / or State.

Filtering by Time Period
By default your results will be restricted to the Last 12 Months of filings. You can change this by selecting a different time frame from the drop down menu, or by entering a specific date or date range.

View Related Help Topics
     • Using Full Text Search
     • Annual Report Section Search
     • Quarterly Report Section Search
     • Proxy Statement Section Search
     • Current Event (8-K) Section Search

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