Help - Ownership Search

Help on Searching
Ticker: Enter a Stock Symbol to view the insider activity for a particular stock.

Company: Enter firm or company name. Exclude company suffixes (Inc., LTD, Co.)

Name: Key in last name (space) first name (example: Smith Joseph). If you are unsure of the first name, key in the last name only.

Search Definitions
Institutional: View equity positions held by large institutional investors either by company name, ticker or investor.

Insider: View insider trading activity and holdings statements sourced from forms 3, 4 and 5. Search for Insider Names using "Last Name First Name" format.

Insider Proposed Sales: View proposed sales by corporate insiders. Search for Filer Names using ",Last Name First Name", format.

View Related Help Topics
     • Insider Holdings
     • Insider Proposed Sales
     • Institutional Holders

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