Making your your keyword search more effective:
Enter your search terms in lower case. The search engine will find both upper and lower case instances of your search term.
If you want the search engine to take them literally, put the terms in double quotation marks. Otherwise, the search engine will apply stemming rules that will typically increase the number of matches.
Wildcard symbol, asterisk (*), is used when searching for any word containing a specific string of characters. For example, trans* will return transport, transaction, transform and transition. Note: the wildcard must be used with 4 characters or more.
Search for phrases by entering the words separated by spaces. For example, dividends per common share will find the phrase.
Error Codes: When searching for text using special characters a user may receive the following error, TEXT [search text here] IS NOT A VALID ENTRY. This is an indication that your request contained characters that we currently do not index. Characters like, ". - %", are examples of characters we don't index. To search for a string that may contain a character that we consider illegal either remove the characters, or wrap your request in double quotes "2.24%".
Expand your searches by linking your search terms with <or>. The search engine will find pages that contain at least one of your search terms. For example, Depreciation <or> amortization will return documents that contain either word depreciation or amortization.
Narrow your searches by linking your search terms with <and>. The search engine will find pages that contain all of your search terms. For example, Depreciation <and> amortization will return documents that contain both words depreciation and amortization.
Exclude pages that are not relevant to your search by preceding the search term with <not>. For example, Depreciation <not> amortization will return documents that contain only the word depreciation and do not contain the word amortization.
The <and>, <or>, <not> operators must be typed within angle brackets, <>, as displayed.
You can use the search engine to find a term that appears in close proximity to another term by using the <near/*> operator. For example, entering Shearman <near/15> securities will find the word Shearman within 15 words (or any variable entered) of the word securities.
Document Display
Navigation Bar – The Navigation Buttons which appear once you’ve opened a document provide jumps to: First Hit, Previous Hit, Next Hit, and Last Hit.
No More Hits – will be displayed next to the First / Previous / Next / Last buttons when you reach the end of the Hit jumps.
Document Display – Once you’ve selected a document to open, the system will bring you to the first appearance of your keyword or phrase.
Return To Results List – To go back to the results list you’re working with, click the Back button on the upper right-hand side of the document.
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