Help - Company Summary

The Company Summary provides a snapshot of activity with links to allow you to drill deeper into different sets of data.

Adding a Company Summary to a Dashboard
To add the Company Summary you are viewing to one of your personal dashboard displays, click the add (Add Icon) icon at the top of the screen.
Add to Dashboard Example

Last Trade:
To access the full stock quote detail of the company you are viewing, click anywhere in the Last Trade row.

Significant SEC Filings:
You can access the company's latest significant filings, including the latest annual report, quarterly report and proxy statement, by clicking the form that interests you.
Summary SEC Filings Example

1 Year Historical Chart:
The historical chart provides an instant visual gauge of the companies trading activity for the last year. You can quickly add an additional ticker symbol for comparison, or click the chart directly to access additional charting options.
Historical Chart Example

Company News
Click a headline to access the full text of a company news article from sources such as PR Newswire, Business Wire, Associated Press, Knight Ridder and others.
Company News Example

View Related Help Topics
     • Adding Content to a Dashboard
     • Last Trade
     • Historical Charting
     • Company News

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